Dr. Smitha Revi

Assistant Professor
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- Twelve years of experience in research, extension and teaching activities in the field of Agricultural Entomology
Courses offered
- Bio inputs for Pest Management (PhD)
- Biological control of crop pests and weeds, Concepts of Integrated Pest Management (PG)
- Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management, Pests of crops and their management I, Pests of crops and their management II (UG)
Student guidance
- Guided two PG students as Major advisor (KAU) and 4 PG students to carry out research projects (Outside KAU)
- Guiding one PG student and one PhD student.
Projects handled
- Carried out research projects at RARS Wayanad and AICRP on BCCP as PI and Co-PI
- Published 11 research papers, 16 seminar/conference proceedings/abstracts, two popular articles, two booklets, one symposium report, 13 leaflets, and one practical manual. Edited and compiled one volume of Acta Horticulturae, and one book of abstract (International Symposium on succulents and other ornamentals)
- National level training programmes attended : 4
- Specialized short term trainings/ workshops attended: 8
Awards and recognitions
- Letter of appreciation was awarded by KAU for the successful conduct of National
- Agri – fiesta of KAU & Pooppoli Flower and Fruit Expo at Wayanad
- Ranked FIRST (Agricultural Entomology) in MSc programme (2002-2004), KAU, Thrissur
Membership in professional bodies
- Life - member of Society for Biocontrol Advancement
Other assignments
- Acted as resource person for various trainings/ classes /demonstration classes on biological control and integrated pest management to students, extension officials, farmers, kudumbasree members and pesticide dealers
- Duty entrusted as Scientist in charge of farm, Nursery (acquired accreditation in spices from DASD, vegetables and fruits nursery from NHB) and Labs (Biocontrol lab, Soil & tissue analysis lab and processing lab) at RARS, Ambalavayal, Wayanad
- Co-course director of 3 vocational training programmes at RARS Wayanad
- Programme committee convenor of National Agri - fiesta of KAU & Pooppoli Flower and Fruit Expo, 2015 and flower show, 2016 at RARS, Ambalavayal, Wayanad.
- Convenor of “International Symposium on Succulents and other Ornamentals”, jointly organised by KAU and ISHS in January 2016.